Lots of folks made good progress on their projects in September Christopher Jonas worked on his Bandai 1/12 R4I9 Christopher also started work on a BF109E Ethan Idenmill
We had a lot of projects in the works and completed during August. See below! Works in Progress Christopher Jonas started work on a Bandai 1/12 Star Wars
Although the July meeting was cancelled, there were lots of model projects underway! Bob Ekstrom completed his E2C Hawkeye, from VAW-123 “Screwtops”. It is a Fujimi, 1/72 kit.
IPMS USA 2019 Nationals were held August 7-10 in Chattanooga, Tennessee. The following are pictures from the convention. Pictures from the Convention Center, Vendor Room and Contest Room:
The 2018 IPMS USA Nationals were held August 1-4 in Phoenix, AZ. Below are some pictures taken by our webmaster. Enjoy! Around the Convention: Juniors: Aircraft: Military Vehicles: