Tony Beres showed his 1/32 Tamiya Mosquito in progress
Tony also brought an older 1/32 Mosquito he had built some time ago
This attendee brought in two models he built - a Mosquito and a Zero
This attendee brought in two models he built - a Mosquito and a Zero
John Ball brought in his 1/24 Revell Ferrari F1 which he will be starting shortly
Ethan Idenmill brought in this 1/700 Loose Cannon Steamship Isaac M. Scott, which he just started
We had a good turnout for our August meeting and Quarterly contest.
David Hansen brought in his 1/32 Tamiya F4U Corsair which is in progress
Bob Eckstrom brought in an Opel Blitz truck he is working on
Mike O'Leary brought in his Revell Dragster kit
Manny Gutsche showed us a vacuform model and the best technique for sanding it down to remove the excess plastic
Joel Hendricks brought in this Bandai 1/48 AT-ST
Colin Hodges showed how he prototypes painting techniques using spare model pieces
This attendee brought in his 1/48 P-40 which is in progress
Tony Beres showed his 1/32 Tamiya Mosquito in progress
This attendee brought in two models he built - a Mosquito and a Zero
David Hansen brought in his 1/32 Tamiya F4U Corsair which is in progress
This attendee brought in his 1/48 P-40 which is in progress
Colin Hodges demonstrated what a revamped website might look like
Colin's revamped website demonstration
Alberto Ramos brought in a 1/35 Hellcat
John Ball brought in his 1/24 Revell Ferrari F1 which he will be starting shortly
Mike Potter showed us how he does resin casting
Mike Potter showed us how he does resin casting
Mike Potter showed us how he does resin casting
Bob Eckstrom brought in an Opel Blitz truck he is working on
Manny Gutsche showed us a vacuform model and the best technique for sanding it down to remove the excess plastic
Manny Gutsche showed us a vacuform model and the best technique for sanding it down to remove the excess plastic
Manny Gutsche showed us a vacuform model and the best technique for sanding it down to remove the excess plastic
Jost brought in a 1/35 Panther tank in progress
Jost brought in a 1/35 Panther tank in progress
Colin Hodges showed how he prototypes painting techniques using spare model pieces
Alberto Ramos brought in a 1/35 Hellcat
Joel Hendricks brought in a Bandai 1/48 AT-ST and Snowspeeder
Mike O'Leary brought in his Revell Dragster kit
Ricahrd Abraham won third place for his Argentinian F9F Panther
Manny also won Best in Show for his U2 spyplane
Manny Gutsche wins Best in Show for his 1/48 U2!
Entry in our August contest
Entry in our August contest
Entry in our August contest
Entry in our August contest
Entry in our August contest
Manny Gutsche won first place for his U2 Spyplane