We had a great meeting on January 27. Members brought in some great models. The F-16 Group Build is finishing up (please bring finished projects to the February meeting). The club voted on and approved proposals to move the July meeting from July 28 to July 21, in order to avoid conflicts with IPMS-USA nationals, and to move the December meeting from December 22 to December 15 in order to avoid potential conflicts with Christmas vacations. The new meeting dates are reflected in the club calendar.
The Model Expo Contest Committee
John Humphrey manning the front table
Vice President RIchard Abraham and President Bob Ekstrom
Gary Williams giving the Treasurers Report
Mike Potter describing some of his resin casting techniques
Mike Potter's resin casting tools
Bob Ekstrom presenting how to use AK Interactive products
David Weeks describing his new model kits
Joshua Philippi describing his 1/72 Spitfire
Joshua Philippi's 1/48 Spitfire
Joshua Philippi's 54mm scratch built figure from the game Half-Life
John Ball discussing his CH-46 kit
John Ball's 1/48 Academy CH-46
This new member brought in a very nicely done 1/24 scale truck and sports car.
A 1/24 truck and sports car, brought in by a new member
Ethan Idenmill describing his EDF Space Destroyer
Ethan Idenmill's 1/500 Fine Molds EDF Space Destroyer
Gilbert Barron describing his 1/720 Graf Spee
Gilbert Barron's 1/720 Italieri DKM Graf Spee
Gilbert Barron's 1/35 Takom WWI 210mm Krupp Morter
Dustin Ferris describing his 1/72 F-16 which he is building as a part of the Group Build.
Dustin Ferris' entry in the F-16 Group Build
Marc Manuzon describing his 1/72 F-16 which he is also constructing as a part of the Group Build
Marc Manuzon's entry in the F-16 Group Build
Manny Gutsche describing his 1/72 F-16 which he is building as a part of the Group Build
A third entry in the F-16 Group Build - this one from Manny Gutsche
Rich Durham discussing his F-14A kit
Rich Durham brought in this Tamiya 1/48 F-14A
Rich Durham's 1/48 F-16, constructed as a part of the Group Build
About The Author
Ethan Idenmill has built scale models for the last forty years (badly for most of them). He is a past President of IPMS San Diego and is now the club Webmaster.