2016 IPMS USA Nationals Pictures
August 29, 2016 | Aircraft, Armor, Automotive, Dioramas, Figures, Galleries, IPMS USA Nationals, Miscellaneous, Ships, Space and Science Fiction | No Comments
| This post contains pictures from the 2016 IPMS USA National Convention held in Columbia, South Carolina, August 3-6.
The 2017 National Convention will be held in Omaha, Nebraska.
The 2018 National Convention will be held in Phoenix, Arizona.
The 2019 National Convention will be held in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
For more information about upcoming National Conventions, please see the IPMS USA Website.
Junior Entries:
Aircraft Entries:
Military Vehicle Entries:
Figure Entries:
Ship Entries:
Automotive Entries:

Back to the Future - IPMS Nationals 2016

Fire Truck - IPMS Nationals 2016
Space and Science-Fiction Vehicle Entries:

Jawa Sandcrawler - 2016 IPMS USA Nationals

Star Wars Blockade Runner - 2016 IPMS USA Nationals

Star Wars Blockade Runner 2 - 2016 IPMS USA Nationals

USS Enterprise NCC-1701
Diorama Entries: